Privacy Policy
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Privacy Policy


Navigating this website implies that the data of any identified or identifiable persons can be processed.

The controller of those data is the Cugnasco Firm with its registered office at Via Gustavo Ponza di San Martino 8, 12100 Cuneo (Italy).


All processing required for the online services of this website is exclusively made at the Firm’s registered office by technical staff authorised to do so or by specialised maintenance staff.


Navigation data

The IT systems and software procedures used for running this website involve the collection of personal data during their normal operation. The supply of such data is implied by the use of Internet communication protocols.

The above information is not collected in order to be associated with specific data subjects. Nevertheless, by its very nature, it may be instrumental in the identification of specific users following its processing and combination with other data held by third parties.

These types of data include, e.g., IP addresses, domain names of computers used by users accessing the website, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of queried resources, query times, server-query methods, response file size, numeric identifiers of server response status (success, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the respective user’s operating system and IT environment.

These data are only collected to compile anonymous statistics about the website use and check its correct operation, and will be deleted right after their processing. The same data can also be used to assess any liabilities in case of cybercrime causing damage to the website. Except for this circumstance, any data on web contacts are currently retained for no longer than seven days.

Data optionally supplied by users

The optional and deliberate sending of emails to the addresses specified in this website will cause the subsequent storage of senders’ addresses – together with any other personal data contained in their email message – to the extent required in order to reply to their enquiries. Specific summarised disclaimers are provided in the website forms where users are asked to enter data for specific on-demand services.



No users’ personal data are acquired on this website through the use of cookies.

No cookies are used for the transfer of personal information. This website avoids the use of permanent cookies, i.e. cookies used to keep track of users’ identity in next browsing sessions.

The use of session cookies – i.e. cookies that are not permanently stored on the user’s computer and are deleted when the browser is closed – is strictly limited to random server-generated session identifiers needed for secure and efficient website browsing.

The use of session cookies in this website is intended to avoid other processing technologies that may potentially impair the confidentiality of users’ navigation. In particular, session cookies do not store personal data identifying users.

In any case, if users do not wish to receive cookies of any type from the Cugnasco Firm (or any other sources) on their computers or devices, they can raise the security level of their browsing sessions from the privacy settings page of their browser.

Studio Cugnasco wishes to inform that, pursuant to art. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003, users can request the deletion of information collected via cookies at any time.


Apart from the navigation data to be necessarily collected as specified above, users are free to enter their personal data in online enquiry forms or use them in any requests for information materials or other communications.

It is understood that no enquiry can be answered if a user chooses not to supply those data.


Data shall be processed by electronic media for the time strictly required to achieve the purpose for which they were collected. Suitable security measures shall be observed to prevent any loss, illicit use, misuse of, or unauthorised access to data. To that end, the Cugnasco Firm has taken all minimum security steps required by the applicable laws. In line with the major applicable international standards, the Cugnasco Firm has also taken additional security steps to minimise risks to the confidentiality, availability and integrity of the personal data collected and processed.


Data can be transferred or disclosed to third parties for activities strictly associated with or instrumental in the purposes for which they were collected (i.e. web service operation, ICT system management, or processing made by a third-party office for the same purposes).

Personal data supplied by users in their enquiries (e.g. requests for information, brochures or other materials) are exclusively used to provide the requested information or service and are only disclosed to third parties when such disclosure is needed to that end.

Outside these cases, data shall not be disclosed or transferred to anyone, unless:

  • an express consent has been given to the sharing of data with third parties;
  • information has to be disclosed to third parties in order to provide a requested service; or
  • such data disclosure or transfer is needed to meet orders from a judicial or law-enforcement authority.

Data originating from website browsing are not publicly disclosed.


In the event of receiving a curriculum vitae containing sensitive personal data including – pursuant to art. 4, item D of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 – the data subject’s state of health, political opinions, religious beliefs, union affiliation (or membership in associations, organisations or movements of these types), judicial data and data concerning racial or ethnic origin with no consent previously given to the processing of those data, that consent will be expressly requested in writing and, if no reply is given within 14 days of that request, the data will be finally deleted.


At any time, data subjects are entitled to obtain a confirmation of whether their data are stored and, if so, their contents and origin, check their exactness and request their integration, update or correction (art. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003).

Pursuant to the same article, data subjects are also entitled to request the deletion, anonymisation or blocking of data processed in breach of the applicable laws, or however object to their processing for legitimate reasons.


The Cugnasco Firm regularly checks its data security and privacy policy and, if necessary, revises it in accordance with any legal reforms, organisational changes or technological advancements. In case of changes to this policy, a new version will be published in this website section.